Manufacture and sale of a Nu-Gen Arcade (Update 03.01.2020)

[ Continuation of this article: link to the 2nd part of the article ]

It’s been a while since I wanted to redo a Nu-Gen type arcade machine to sell it.

Slightly smaller than the first arcade machine made in 2018, the dimensions are 1.61 m high by 90 cm wide, 75 cm deep at the foot and 23 cm deep at the screen.

I added buttons on the top, 7 buttons for general control: :

  • “Load” : To load a saved game (with the “Save” button)
  • “Save” : To save the current game.
  • “Rewinding” : To go back, the Retroarch emulator manages this function which allows you to rewind the games, magic!
  • “Pause” : To pause the game
  • “Reset” : To restart the current game / rom
  • “Next Disk/CD” : To change the CD / Disk of the current game / rom, useful for multi disc / CD games
  • “Exit” : To quit the current game / rom

For the other buttons, it’s classic, each player has 8 buttons for the game, 1 “Coins” button and 1 “Start” button. I also planned to put a trackball, useful for certain games or certain emulated computers (Commodore Amiga …)

Regarding the screen I plan to put a 32 inch 16/9 (may be an AOC Q3279VWFD8).

Here is the article of the first model I made

Here are some pictures to show you the progress:


Cutting sides


Bonding of the cleats for the fixings


Assembly of sides, back, reinforcements


Attachment of the battens, from above


Tray manufacturing


Tray manufacturing


Plastering, sanding, plastering, rounding sanding

Continuation of this article: link to the 2nd part of the article

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