Windows Shooting Games (Shoot ’em up) for arcade

[ This article is available in French / Cet article est disponible en Francais ]

Here is a list of shooting games on Windows, this list is incomplete, but it can give you an idea of ​​the games that can be put in a Windows arcade, as well as the difficulties I encountered with make it work.
If you know other shooting games, I’ll add them to this list.

I did not have time to search and put download links, or links to gameplay videos. I’ll put them in a few days.

I had already done an article about fighting games.

Sine Mora EX

Number of players : 1 (mode versus 2 players but not good)
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Sine Mora

Number of players : 1
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Space Invader Extreme

Number of players : 1
Orientation : Vertical (type space invader)
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :

Rigid Force Alpha

Number of players : 1
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– The loading is rather long, installation on a SSD preferably.
– Small window problem at startup (rfa_main.exe version 31.05.2019)

Sky Force Reloaded

Number of players : 2
Orientation : Vertical
X360 : Do not use X360, do not use Joy2Key
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :

Starr Mazer

Number of players : 1
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– Stick left instead of right (correction with joy2key?), Probably related to my USB controller

RType Dimension

Number of players : 2
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Dimension Drive

Number of players : 2 (Incompatible with my joystick USB controller: the 2nd player moves the 1st player )
Orientation : Vertical
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– Problem of assignments of sticks to players, this problem is probably related to the type of USB connector / controllers

Darius Burst Chronicles

Number of players : 1 ou 2
(Mode AC : 2 players / Mode CS : 1 player / Mode DLC : 1 player)
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– Use an AutoIt to pass the launcher (see my article)

Anger Force Reloaded

Number of players : 2
Orientation : Vertical
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– The loading is rather long, installation on a SSD preferably.

Bullet Heaven 2

Number of players : 2 (some sticks are not detected)
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Do not use X360, Joy2Key required
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– The 2nd stick may not be detected, following the USB connector

Calarius Blaze

Number of players : 2 (choice “duals”)
Orientation : Vertical
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Number of players : 2
Orientation : Vertical
X360 : No
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Syder Arcade

Number of players : 1
Orientation : Bi-Horizontal
X360 : No
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Number of players : 1
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– The loading is rather long, installation on a SSD preferably.


Number of players : 2
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :
– Use a .BAT file to launch the game without dialogue box
– Resolution max 1280×1024, do not take the whole screen


Number of players : 2
Orientation : Vertical
X360 : No
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Ether Vapor

Number of players :
Orientation : Vertical
X360 : No
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Number of players : 1
Orientation : Horizontal
X360 : Yes
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
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Number of players : 2
Orientation :
X360 :
Medias : Image / Video
Download :
Comment :

Chicken Invaders

Nb de joueurs : 2 ( Chicken Invaders 4 Ultimate Omelette)
Orientation : Vertical
X360 :
Médias : Image / Vidéo
Download : Download links are only visible to members with at least 1 comment
Source : Max

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29 thoughts on “Windows Shooting Games (Shoot ’em up) for arcade

  1. Ah ! petite erreur de ma part et bonne nouvelle: Chicken Invaders 4 Ultimate Omelette est jouable à 2 joueurs simultanément, je m’en vais de ce pas vous chercher un lien de telechargement

    1. je vous présente mes excuses il semblerait que pour jouer a 2 sur chicken invaders 4 ulimate omelette il faille craquer le jeux apparement ce n’est pas une option possible d’origine. Ceci dit, voici le lien pour telecharger le jeu complet et gratuitement, meme si il existe d’autres liens: httpswww.myplaycity.comfrchicken_invaders_4
      supprimez de votre bureau les raccourcis pour d’autres jeux créés par le programme d’installation

      1. Salut, désolé je passe des jours compliqués ce qui m’empeche d’etre connecté autant que je le voudrai…
        pour répondre à ta question je crois que malheureusement on ne peut jouer qu a un seul joueur a la fois je vais réinstaller pour vérif et confirmer

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